about me

Okay, we all know these sections are the worst to write because who are we, anyway? 
Here are the cliff notes:
I've lived in Minnesota most of my life aside from a brief (5 year) stint in ND. I'm married & we have the cutest child in the world. I have two husky mixes. I flip-flop between fiction & non-fiction books. I love to read but I have a small child so I net about 5 books a year; I also love weightlifting but I have arthritis so I net about 5 workouts a year...lol. I have a degree in Psychology & Neuroscience. I live in sweatpants but really try to make them cute.

... I can't think of anything else you might be interested in. I hope you feel like you know me a little better! 

~  it's like we're on a first date  ~

I ask myself that same question every so often because this wasn't exactly my plan, but I think many of us say the same thing - it just kinda...happened.

I started my business in April of 2021 doing primarily admin stuff. I'd just been rejected from three PhD programs that I was sure I was going to get into, so I had no idea what my future held. I wanted something that allowed me to take a step back from academia for a while. I had never considered myself creative so I didn't plan to love the creative side of business ownership as much as I did. I pivoted into Social Media Management a bit later after learning everything I could about it, then shortly after settled into the role of Digital Marketing Strategist. Since then, I've helped over a dozen solopreneurs build a better, actually enjoyable marketing plan for their business.

Because here's the thing - marketing is all about people. So being able to put my background in Psychology to use while helping other small business owners has been a DREAM. 

how did I get here?